SHETH JEEBUN, A Well Known Figure Of Businesses And Health Care Homes

Sheth Jeebun on Queen Jubilee Event at his HealthCare Center Sheth Jeebun , a very successful businessman in the property and care home services in the United Kingdom, is one of the most visionary entrepreneurs in his field. He started his career at 13 when he used to work as a part-time worker in his uncle’s shop. Today, Sheth Jeebun is one of the most successful businessmen in his country, with millions of pounds worth of assets. To achieve such great success, he sacrificed his personal life and spent most of his time on business. Even today, he spends most of his time working on different projects related to real estate and care homes. In conclusion, His dedication to work has helped him achieve so much success that no one could have imagined possible. They first met him as a young boy who used to sell goods door-to-door! Meet Sheth Jeebun: ShethJeebun was born in Kenya, Africa, where he lived until he was 12. He then moved to London with his parents and s...